Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center

Funding Mechanisms


          NIH Research Project Grant Program (R01)

  • Supports small investigator-initiated research projects that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources on a topic within the Areas of Research Supported by NICHD.
  • Examples include pilot or feasibility studies; secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; development of research methodology and/or development of new research technology.


               NIH Small Grant Program (R03)

  • Provides limited support for scientific meetings, workshops, symposia, and conferences within the Areas of Research Supported by NICHD.
  • Applicants must obtain NICHD’s approval prior to submission (see announcement).
  • In the cover letter, applicants should request secondary assignments from other NIH Institutes and Centers with programmatic interest in the conference.
  • In general, the NICHD awards up to $6,000 for grants with primary assignment to NICHD and up to $3,000 for grants with secondary assignment to NICHD.
  • NICHD Contacts:

          Eugene Hayunga with questions about NICHD support for conference grants
          Bryan Clark for questions about financial or grants management
          NIH Support for Scientific Conferences