Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center


Administration, Education, & Outreach


The Administrative Core has three functions: 1) Scientific Leadership, 2) Administrative Support, and 3) Education and Dissemination. Together these functions synergize to provide an ideal environment for conducting translational, multidisciplinary and impactful research in developmental disabilities, creating outstanding infrastructure and encouraging new scientific direction.


Which one do I use?

This one?

  • Faculty in any department whose research fallsinto our scientific themes are welcome to join the IDDRC:
  • Basic research into core causes of developmental disabilities.
  • Basic research and translational research designed to lead to possible interventions to treat causes as well as improve quality of life for patient and family.
  • Interact with clinical services to implement and translate basic research findings into clinical studies.
  • Education to train next generation of researchers.
  • Communication of research discoveries to clinicians, patients, and family members in our community.
  • OR this one? 
  • Provide an administrative infrastructure for IDDRC faculty, IRB, centralized databasing and computation.
  • Long- term oversight, monitoring, and evaluation of core utilization, success at facilitating IDD research, and quality assurance.
  • Create and manage internal and external advisory board, executive meetings, and retreats.
  • Develop and coordinate education/ outreach activities, including initiation of a West Coast IDDRC Consortium.

Our Team

Susan Bookheimer, PhD

Principal Investigator

Harley Kornblum, MD, PhD

Principal Investigator


Preethi Puthanveetil, PhD


Adriana Galvan, PhD