UCLA Intellectual and Developmental
Disabilities Research Center
About Us
The primary mission of the UCLA IDDRC is to provide an ideal environment for conducting multidisciplinary research into the causes of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs), to translate these findings into effective treatments for IDDs, and to disseminate these findings to the scientific, clinical, and stakeholder communities in a respectful and mutually informative way. We aim to foster outstanding collaborative and interdisciplinary research by providing ready access to centralized administrative support and cutting edge and efficient core facilities, while innovating new approaches that will advance research into causes of and treatments for IDDs. Our Center builds on the strength of the UCLA faculty in genetics/genomics, cellular physiology, brain imaging, clinical trials, and research technology development.
Membership Benefits
IDDRC welcomes members across campus whose research addresses our mission.
Our Cores
Our History
In 1965, UCLA recruited Dr. George Tarjan, a pioneer in mental retardation research, to build a combined research and clinical program in intellectual and developmental disabilities. We received one of the first MRRC (Mental Retardation Research Center) building grants from the State of California to the Neuropsychiatric Institute which added the top five floors to the NPI (now Semel Building), dedicating that space to IDD-related research. Dr. Tarjan was the founder of both the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, named in his honor, and the MRRC, now called the IDDRC. The mandates for these centers were: (1) The acquisition of new knowledge about mental retardation and human development, (2) The development of a research program characterized by a high degree of collaboration between basic and clinical scientists and including both biomedical and behavioral research and (3) The training of new investigators in research involving mental retardation and developmental disabilities. In 1970, the first MRRC funds from NICHD were authorized by Congress. UCLA became one of the original 12 sites and has been continually funded since then. The State of California provided additional funds to secure permanent faculty positions for MRRC scientists, funding that continues today. The MRRC made formative contributions to the basic science of neurodevelopment with NICHD funding. As examples, seminal work on the role of glia in neurodevelopment was an early accomplishment of the IDDRC. Dr. Jean de Vellis, who pioneered this work, became the IDDRC director in 1994 and served for over two decades in that role. Dr. Susan Bookheimer was named Director in 2014, with Dr. Harley Kornblum as Associate Director.